
Making cannabutter with ABV (Already Been Vaped) cannabis is a fantastic way to get the most out of your herb. This recipe not only reduces waste but also transforms the leftover plant material from your vaporizer into a potent edible ingredient. I first tried this method when looking for ways to extend the use of my cannabis, and it’s now a favorite for making infused brownies, cookies, and more. Cannabutter is easy to customize and packs a punch, making it a go-to in the cannabis kitchen.

cannabutter recipe with abv

Recipe Details:

Ingredients List:

  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 14 grams of ABV (Already Been Vaped) cannabis
  • 1 cup water


  • You can use coconut oil instead of butter for a dairy-free option.
  • Adjust the amount of ABV based on your potency preferences.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Prepare the ABV:

Break apart any large clumps of ABV cannabis to ensure even extraction. No need to decarboxylate, as vaping has already done this process.

2. Melt the Butter:

In a saucepan, melt 1 cup of butter over low heat. Add 1 cup of water to prevent the butter from burning.

3. Infuse the Butter:

Stir the ABV into the melted butter mixture. Keep the heat low and simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let it boil.

4. Strain the Mixture:

After simmering, strain the butter through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer into a glass container. Squeeze out any remaining liquid from the ABV.

5. Chill and Separate:

Place the container in the fridge for a few hours until the butter solidifies on top of the water. Once solid, scrape off the butter and discard the remaining water.

6. Store and Use:

Your cannabutter is now ready to use in your favorite recipes! Store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for longer shelf life.

Unique Tips, Variations, and Insights:

Customization Tips:

  • If you prefer a stronger flavor, add more ABV cannabis, but be mindful of potency.
  • For a milder flavor, mix ABV with fresh cannabis or use a flavored butter like garlic or herb butter.

Expert Advice:

  • Always start with a small dose when using ABV cannabutter, as the potency can vary greatly depending on how thoroughly the cannabis was vaped.
  • Keep a low simmer during the infusion to avoid burning the butter and losing potency.

Cultural Context:

  • ABV cannabutter is popular among cannabis users who want to make the most of their product and reduce waste. It’s part of the growing sustainability movement in the cannabis community.

Nutrition Facts:
(Per tablespoon)

  • Calories: 100
  • Fat: 11g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Protein: 0g

FAQ Section:

Q1: How potent is ABV cannabutter compared to using fresh cannabis?
A: ABV is less potent than fresh cannabis since some of the THC has already been vaporized, but it still contains cannabinoids and can be surprisingly strong.

Q2: Can I use this cannabutter in any recipe?
A: Yes! Cannabutter can be used in any recipe that calls for butter, including cookies, brownies, or even on toast.

Q3: How should I store ABV cannabutter?
A: Store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or freeze it for longer-term storage.


Making cannabutter with ABV is a fantastic way to recycle your cannabis and create potent, flavorful edibles. Whether you’re adding it to baked goods or simply spreading it on toast, this method ensures you make the most of your herb. I’d love to hear how your cannabutter turned out—feel free to share your results or any twists you’ve added to the recipe!

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